

Diamond Clarity or Diamond Guide

When it comes to grading diamond, it's not only the carat, color and cut that matters. It also includes the diamond clarity.

IF you notice an expert's funny loupe, it is because it is a 10x magnification tool to detect any flaws in the stone. Sometimes, they even let you check it for yourselves to assure you that you are getting your money's worth.

Before the diamond is set with a price, its clarity is checked for inclusions and blemishes. However, the value also depends on three other factors which are the carat, cut and color.

To most people, it is the diamonds clarity is very important. However, there are also many who consider the clarity as the lesser factor but rather the cut is more important.

But what is really Diamond clarity?

Diamond Clarity refers to the characteristics of the stones in terms of being clear. The diamond is checked for impurities inside and out. Inside irregularities are termed as INCLUSIONS and BLEMISHES for the outside ones.

Obviously, diamonds that are very clear are also hard to find and much more expensive. Actually, it is a lot valuable to be used as jewelry. Stones with 100% clarity can usually be found with collectors, in a museum or luxury buyers.

Are blemished diamonds worthless?

Actually, having blemished yet natural diamonds are more valuable than synthetic ones. Aside from that, the blemishes in the stone makes it more unique as its flaws serves as its fingerprints. In other words, the blemishes or inclusions in the diamond make it one of a kind.

How diamond is grades according to clarity?

Diamond clarity is graded according to the GIA diamond grading system. GIA stands for Gemological Institute of America and the grading system for diamonds clarity that started in 1953 is now the international basis for diamond clarity grading chart.

FLAWLESS (F) - means that the stone has no flaws of any kind. It is very clear and very expensive.

INTERNALLY FLAWLESS (IF) - means that the inside of the stone is free from any inclusions but minute blemishes are present but can hardly be seen even under a 10x magnification.

VVS - means that inclusions are very hard to see even by a trained eye under a loupe.

VVS1: inclusions are extremely hard to locate and can be removed by a bit of repolishingVVS2: inclusions are very hard to find

VS - Means that the inclusions can hardly be seen under a loupe.

VS1: flaws can hardly seen by a gemologist under a 10x magnificationVS2: flaws are quite easier to detect by a trained eye under a powerful magnification

SLIGHTLY INCLUDED (SI) - means that flaws in the stone is more noticeable under a loupe.

SI1: inclusions are easy to detect under 10x magnificationSI2: inclusions are easier to see under a loupe

INCLUDED (I1, I2, I3) - inclusions are apparent under a magnification and to the unaided eye as well. The flaws detract the brilliance and diamonds clarity thus affecting its overall beauty.

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